On the 30th of March we sent an open letter to ask the convening of the Plenary Session of the European Parliament and the activation of an urgency procedure for the discussion of the petition Eu can do it: a petition to the European Parliament on Covid-19, social, economic, and climate crises (that you can sign and share).
To the attention of the President of the European Parliament, Mr David Sassoli, the Group Presidents, and the coordinators of the Political Groups within the PETI Commission.
Dear President Sassoli, dear Members of the European Parliament,
I write to salute your efforts to ensure the carrying out of last week’s Plenary Session (the first and only european public debate on the Covid-19 crisis) and to keep the momentum for further efforts on EP activities and citizens participation.
On 24 March, a group of European citizens and organisations filed a petition, with Ms Virginia Fiume as first signatory, asking the European Union to put in place urgent measures to deal with the crisis (including the monitoring of the Rule of Law under the emergency), and to relaunch the economic and institutional reforms needed to face the global challenges deriving from the pandemic.
The petition, renamed “Eu Can Do It!” on social media, has reached the support of over 6,500 citizens, including MEPs, leading academics and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Roberts.
Given the urgency of the measures suggested, and the importance for European Institutions to send a strong signal of long-term commitment during this crisis, we urge you to take all necessary measures to ensure that this petition is discussed as a matter of urgency.
In particular, we ask you to:
- Convene a plenary session of the European Parliament also in April;
- Activate an emergency procedure for the discussion of the petition “A petition to the European Parliament to address covid-19, social, economic, and climate crises” in the PETI Committee, if necessary by adopting a new practice devoted to petitions with urgent objectives;
In the hope that you will consider our request with the utmost consideration, I remain available for any further information you might need.
Kind regards,
Marco Cappato
Former MEP (1999-2009) and Founder of Eumans
The petition (officially registered to the European Parliament) was conceived during the 1st Meeting of the Council on Participatory Democracy and promoted with the support of Eumans, European Alternatives, Science For Democracy, Associazione Luca Coscioni, Polish Robert Schuman Foundation, ECIT Foundation, Centre d’Action Laïque, The Good Lobby and many other NGOs, movements and groups of Citizens.